Miłość z wrzosowiska 1994


Reddleman Diggory Venn drives slowly across the heath, carrying a hidden passenger in the back of his van. When darkness falls, the country folk light bonfires on the hills, emphasizing the pagan spirit of the heath and its denizens.

Alle Titel
  • US: The Return of the Native The Return of the Native
  • BR: O Retorno de um Nativo O Retorno de um Nativo
  • CA: Retour au pays natal Retour au pays natal
  • RU: Возвращение домой Возвращение домой
  • ES: El regreso del nativo El regreso del nativo
  • UA: Thomas Hardy's The Return of the Native Thomas Hardy's The Return of the Native
  • US: Hallmark Hall of Fame: The Return of the Native (#44.1) Hallmark Hall of Fame: The Return of the Native (#44.1)
  • US: The Return of the Native The Return of the Native
Release 04 Dec 1994
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